Ages 18+

Women-only group lessons give you the opportunity to learn new outdoor skills in a social environment. Bring a friend or come meet some like-minded women.

We strive to ensure each lesson is paired with a female instructor, to ensure the lesson content is as relatable as possible!  Ladies-only programs are a great option if you are nervous about trying the sport for the first time, prefer a female instructor, or generally enjoy engaging in physical activity with other ladies!

Each program will begin by revisiting the level goals from the previous level on more challenging terrain. An evaluation will be done at the start of each program, we reserve the right to move the participant to the level most appropriate for their skill level. All levels may be repeated multiple times to help build a solid foundation and allow you to develop your skills at your own pace in a safe learning environment. 

Lesson Information

  • One 2-hour lesson on the same day each week for 4 weeks.
  • 2-day or 3-day programs run for 2-hours at the same time on back-to-back days.
  • Standard hill access during the lesson.
  • We focus on smaller class sizes with a target ratio of 1 instructor per 7 participants for this program.
  • Start Time: 6:30 pm on Wednesdays.


Terms of Contract


A Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims, Assumption of Risks and Indemnity Agreement(s) ("Waiver(s)") must be completed prior to participation in WinSport’s Programs, Lessons, and Camps and, if applicable, rental of Equipment. If the applicable Waiver(s) are not completed, participation in the WinSport Program, access to WinSport’s facilities and/or rental of Equipment will not be permitted, and a refund will be provided.

The Waiver(s) will be available for completion during the sales process, and copies are available for preview below.

  • The Waiver(s) will apply to all ski and snowboard activities and facility use, including without limitation all day ticket use, season pass use, all programs, camps and lessons, and Equipment Rentals during the 2024-25 season.
  • Each adult participant must complete their own Waiver(s).
  • A parent/guardian must complete the Waiver(s) for their minor/child participant.

PLEASE READ THE WAIVER(S) CAREFULLY! By signing, you will waive or give up certain legal rights, including the right to sue for negligence, breach of contract, or breach of the Occupiers’ Liability Act or claim compensation following an accident.






NO GUARANTEE OF CONDITIONS - We do not guarantee hill conditions, weather or other operating conditions including open terrain or lift operation.

NO FOOT TRAFFIC ALLOWED ON SKI HILL - For the safety of WinSport’s guests, there is no foot traffic allowed or on-hill viewing of winter lessons. Parents (including carpet-only ticket holders) are not allowed on snow without ski or snowboard equipment and a valid ticket/pass. Only persons with a valid ticket/pass who are skiing or snowboarding with appropriate equipment will be permitted on snow.


CODE OF CONDUCT -  For the safety and enjoyment of all, participants and users of WinSport’s facilities are required to follow the WinSport Code of Conduct


Women's Wednesday Snowboard - First Time

First time snowboarding.

Take the first steps in your snowboarding journey with other adult first time snowboarders. Familiarize yourself with the equipment, and how to use it to get around.

As the group progresses you will learn to be safe on the hill and begin to develop fundamental snowboard skills to stop, control your speed and direction.


  • Remain active for 2 hours 

Level Goal(s)

  • Introduction to equipment and basic mobility

Equipment Required

Dress in layers so you can adjust your temperature for hill conditions and stay dry.

Come wearing the following items for a successful lesson experience:

  • Buff or face covering (no scarves)
  • CSA approved Snow Sport Helmet mandatory
  • Goggles
  • Base layers made of moisture-wicking fabric
  • Winter jacket
  • Waterproof snow pants
  • Wool socks
  • Gloves/mittens
  • Neck warmer
  • Snowboard boots
  • Snowboard with metal edges

Optional Add-ons



Hill access during lesson time slot


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Age Available Days Time Dates Starting From
18+ SuMoTuWeThFrSa 6:30pm 4-weeks: Feb 5 / March 5, 12, 19, 26 $425.00 Buy now
Women's Wednesday Snowboard - Beginner 1

Still learning to balance and control your snowboard.

Grasp the basics and learn how to be safe on the hill before progressing to the next level. Start by learning the fundamental skills and gain confidence on beginner terrain as you learn how to control your speed and change direction.


  • Introduction to equipment and basic mobility.

Level Goal(s)

  • Stopping: I can stop on silver carpet, both heelside and toeside.
  • Balance: I can keep a stable, balanced body while sliding on Silver carpet.
  • Mobility: I can comfortably skate with one foot strapped in.
  • Turning: I can change direction on heel and toe edge. 

Equipment Required

Dress in layers so you can adjust your temperature for hill conditions and stay dry.

Come wearing the following items for a successful lesson experience:

  • Buff or face covering (no scarves)
  • CSA approved Snow Sport Helmet mandatory
  • Goggles
  • Base layers made of moisture-wicking fabric
  • Winter jacket
  • Waterproof snow pants
  • Wool socks
  • Gloves/mittens
  • Neck warmer
  • Snowboard boots
  • Snowboard with metal edges

Optional Add-ons



Hill access during lesson time slot


On mobile, scroll to view price and register →

Age Available Days Time Dates Starting From
18+ SuMoTuWeThFrSa 6:30pm 4-weeks: Feb 5 / March 5, 12, 19, 26 $425.00 Buy now
Women's Wednesday Snowboard - Novice 2

Able to stop and change direction on both heel and toe edge.

Continue to develop riding skills and techniques. Learn how to snowboard more challenging terrain confidently while maintaining an athletic body position and demonstrating edge control.


  • Stopping: I can stop on silver carpet, both heelside and toeside.
  • Balance: I can keep a stable, balanced body while sliding on Silver carpet.
  • Mobility: I can comfortably skate with one foot strapped in.
  • Turning: I can change direction on heel and toe edge.

Level Goal(s)

  • Stopping: I can come to a full stop on beginner terrain while remaining balanced.
  • Balance: I am able to adjust body position to change direction.
  • Mobility: I can stand up without assistance.
  • Turning: I can confidently demonstrate heelside and toeside turns.

Equipment Required

Dress in layers so you can adjust your temperature for hill conditions and stay dry.

Come wearing the following items for a successful lesson experience:

  • Buff or face covering (no scarves)
  • CSA approved Snow Sport Helmet mandatory
  • Goggles
  • Base layers made of moisture-wicking fabric
  • Winter jacket
  • Waterproof snow pants
  • Wool socks
  • Gloves/mittens
  • Neck warmer
  • Snowboard boots
  • Snowboard with metal edges

Optional Add-ons



Hill access during lesson time slot


On mobile, scroll to view price and register →

Age Available Days Time Dates Starting From
18+ SuMoTuWeThFrSa 6:30pm 4-weeks: Feb 5 / March 5, 12, 19, 26 $425.00 Buy now
Women's Wednesday Snowboard - Intermediate 3

Able to turn from heelside to toeside and back.

Refine snowboarding skills as you carve steeper runs, reach higher speeds, and develop various terrain techniques with your certified instructor.

Features such as small jumps, bumps, and rollers may also be introduced at this level, depending on the group's interests.


  • Stopping: I can come to a full stop on beginner terrain while remaining balanced.
  • Balance: I am able to adjust body position to change direction.
  • Mobility: I can stand up without assistance.
  • Turning: I can confidently demonstrate heelside and toeside turns.

Level Goal(s)

  • Stopping: I can stop in control on intermediate terrain.
  • Balance: I can maintain balance throughout different size turns effectively.
  • Mobility: I am turning with my lower body.
  • Turning: I can confidently link toeside and heelside turns on intermediate terrain.
  • Timing: I can demonstrate rhythm in linking turns.

Equipment Required

Dress in layers so you can adjust your temperature for hill conditions and stay dry.

Come wearing the following items for a successful lesson experience:

  • Buff or face covering (no scarves)
  • CSA approved Snow Sport Helmet mandatory
  • Goggles
  • Base layers made of moisture-wicking fabric
  • Winter jacket
  • Waterproof snow pants
  • Wool socks
  • Gloves/mittens
  • Neck warmer
  • Snowboard boots
  • Snowboard with metal edges

Optional Add-ons



Hill access during lesson time slot


On mobile, scroll to view price and register →

Age Available Days Time Dates Starting From
18+ SuMoTuWeThFrSa 6:30pm 4-weeks: Feb 5 / March 5, 12, 19, 26 $425.00 Buy now
Women's Wednesday Snowboard - Intermediate 4

Able to link S-turns on chairlift terrain.

This program focuses on refining fundamental skills and equipping students with the tools to ride any terrain confidently. Develops strong heel and toe side turning on intermediate terrain and allows participants to ride all kinds of terrain with ease. Intermediate 4 may be repeated multiple times to help build a solid foundation.


  • Stopping: I can stop in control on intermediate terrain.
  • Balance: I can maintain balance throughout different size turns effectively.
  • Mobility: I am turning with my lower body.
  • Turning: I can confidently link toeside and heelside turns on intermediate terrain.
  • Timing: I can demonstrate rhythm in linking turns.

Level Goal(s)

  • Stopping: I can consistently make controlled stops on variable terrain.
  • Balance: I maintain an athletic body position at speed and have confidence riding variable terrain.
  • Mobility: I can flex and extend to change my turn shape.
  • Turning: I can change edges confidently before my board points downhill.
  • Timing: I am beginning to demonstrate flow when riding variable terrain.
  • Freeride: I have been introduced to riding switch, hopping with my board pointing downhill, and carving.

Equipment Required

Dress in layers so you can adjust your temperature for hill conditions and stay dry.

Come wearing the following items for a successful lesson experience:

  • Buff or face covering (no scarves)
  • CSA approved Snow Sport Helmet mandatory
  • Goggles
  • Base layers made of moisture-wicking fabric
  • Winter jacket
  • Waterproof snow pants
  • Wool socks
  • Gloves/mittens
  • Neck warmer
  • Snowboard boots
  • Snowboard with metal edges

Optional Add-ons



Hill access during lesson time slot


On mobile, scroll to view price and register →

Age Available Days Time Dates Starting From
18+ SuMoTuWeThFrSa 6:30pm 4-weeks: Feb 5 / March 5, 12, 19, 26 $425.00 Buy now