Honoring the Past, Embracing the Future

Decommissioning Legacy Assets for a New Vision at WinSport 

At WinSport, we have are proud stewards of Canada’s rich sporting legacy, encapsulated within the iconic ski jumps and sliding track at Canada Olympic Park. These remarkable facilities have been a symbol of our nation's athletic spirit and ambition since the 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics. However, the time has come to honor their storied past and pave the way for a new era.  

In a move that balances respect for our history with an eye towards a sustainable and inclusive future, we have made the decision to decommission the ski jumps and sliding track. This strategic transition allows WinSport to focus on growth sports and sustainable programming that will continue to inspire and activate human potential through the spirit of sport.  

As we say farewell to these Olympic legacy assets, we are excited to announce the groundbreaking of our new Day Lodge. This state-of-the-art facility is designed to be a beacon of innovation, and a hub of community activity.The new Day Lodge will offer improved accessibility, inclusivity, and a net-zero carbon footprint, showcasing WinSport’s leadership in sustainable development.  

The new Day Lodge will serve as the main gateway to WinSport, offering a warm welcome to over 1.2 million annual visitors. It will house comprehensive services that cater to athletes of all levels, families, and the community at large, ensuring a memorable and impactful experience for all who come to discover, develop, and excel in their athletic endeavors.    

This is not just a new building; it's a commitment to the future – to create a space where the community can gather, where athletes can grow, and where the past is recognized and honoured.  

Stay tuned for more updates on the Day Lodge project and join us as we continue to build on the legacy of the 1988 Winter Olympics, fostering the next generation of athletes and community members at WinSport.     

For more information on the Day Lodge and our vision for the future, click here

Together, let's break ground on a new legacy.